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Womens Concerns

What Causes Hair Loss in Women?

We associate hair loss and balding with men, but this isn't always the case - women can sometimes suffer from it as well. When you can see scalp is more visible when you part your hair, or that your parting has visibly widened, this may be…

Why Do Women Get Lower Abdominal Pain?

Generally, lower abdominal pain is attributed to period pain, but this isn't the only cause of it. Often, it can be difficult for doctors to diagnose the reason for abdominal pain as there are various causes for it, but keeping a note of…

10 Great Things OB-GYNs Do

By Haleigh M.  Obstetriciangynecologists, or OB-GYNs, help women deal with any aspect of health care that has to do with being female. Female sexual health, birth control, reproductive cancers and pregnancy…

How Birth Control Pills Affect Your Health?

Over 150 million women around the world use birth control pills, yet while they are convenient there are also health risks attached to them. These side effects can be fluctuating weight, breast cancer, irregular periods and mood swings.…

Antidepressant safety during pregnancy

Depression in pregnancy is a common occurrence. If you suffer from depression during a pregnancy, it can be very difficult to decide whether to take any medication. On the one hand, you have a medical condition that requires treatment. On…

Super Mum Knows Best

Ladies who’ve had kids will know the dizzying fog which can come about from the cocktail of hormones which pulses through your bodies the closer you get to the due date. This can lead to all sorts of strange goings on in their day to day…