Can You Eat To Beat Arthritis?

The inflammation associated with conditions such as arthritis can be associated with dietary factors. You can have a huge impact on inflammatory disorders by simply selecting the right foods and preparing meals in a way that retains as much goodness as possible. 

Wild Alaskan Salmon – This and other oily fish, high in anti-inflammatory Omega 3 fatty acids, have been known to ease many ailments. Eat twice weekly or try a good quality Omega 3 supplement.

Cold Extracted Extra Virgin Olive Oil – It provides a healthy dose of anti-inflammatory monounsaturated fatty acids. Use during cooking and in dressings.

Kelp – Wakame, Kombu and Arame are good sources of fucoidon, an anti-inflammatory complex carbohydrate. Look for organic seaweeds harvested from unpolluted waters.

Dark Green Vegetables – Kale, Romaine Lettuce, Broccoli and Spinach are all rich in vitamin E that helps to protect against inflammation.

Turmeric – It contains curcumin, a potent anti-inflammatory substance that offers an array of health benefits. Turmeric supplements are also available.

Ginger – This is another potent spice that is renowned for its anti-inflammatory effects. Add grated fresh ginger or ginger powder to warm water and lemon for a refreshing and uplifting drink.

Garlic – Along with fighting inflammation, garlic can improve blood sugar balance and fight infection.

Sweet Potato – Packed with anti-oxidants that help heal inflammation, sweet potato is a versatile vegetable can be baked, roasted, added to soups, salads and even used to make desserts like brownies.

Foods that promote inflammation and which are best avoided or kept to a minimum include:

Sugar – Check labels. Limit processed foods, desserts and snacks with sugar. Choose natural unprocessed stevia as a sweetener.

Refined Cooking Oils – Safflower, soy, corn and sunflower, for example, promote inflammation. Use cold-pressed nut and seed oils and avoid frying food. Poach, bake, steam and grill vegetables, fish and meat.

Trans fats – These are found in fried foods, fast foods, commercially baked goods, chocolates and products such as peanut butter, margarine and vegetable oil.

Alcohol – It is known to trigger a flare-up of painful joints.

Refined Grains – White rice, white bread, white flour and products like pasta, cakes, biscuits and crackers fall under this category. Opt for whole grain versions and reduce the amount of grain foods in general.

Artificial Additives – Sweeteners like aspartame and saccharin, plus other additives such as MSG, are found in many foods from ‘no sugar’ products like squashes, fruit-flavoured drinks and yoghurts to packet sauces and stock cubes. Read labels and avoid completely.

Non-Organic and Processed Meat – Grain and soy-fed animals injected with hormones and antibiotics produce poor quality meat that promotes inflammation. Ham, bacon, chorizo, sausage and other processed meats are best eliminated.

Dairy – Some people find that milk triggers inflammation. Avoid if you feel it is worsening your symptoms, and try home-made almond and nut milks that are simple to make and delicious.

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