Maternal Medicine: 5 Tips to Handling a High Risk Pregnancy



Whether you were prepared that your pregnancy would be in the high risk category or unexpected health problems arose that put you and your baby at risk, excellent medical care is the key to make sure that you experience smooth sailing and deliver a healthy baby. Read on for five tips to handle a high risk pregnancy diagnosis.


1. Embrace Prenatal Care
If you suspect that you may have underlying health issues that might put you in the high risk category, consult your doctor when you’re considering trying to conceive. He or she can help identify any potential risk and prepare you for a healthy journey. Once you get pregnant, seek a high risk OBGYN and faithfully attend all scheduled prenatal appointments. These screenings, checkups and tests may seem arduous, but they are meant to keep you and your baby healthy (Source: Gilbert Webb MD USNews).


2. Maintain a Healthy Diet
Eating nutritiously and exercising moderately (if your doctor says it’s safe) can go a long way to keep you and your baby healthy during pregnancy. Focus on fruits and vegetables, dairy, lean proteins and whole grains, and take recommended supplements, particularly folic acid. Rather than “eating for two,” follow your doctor’s advice on calories and healthy weight gain.


3. Take Care of Your Mental Health
High risk pregnancy can be a stressful time, but too much stress can be dangerous for you and your baby (Source: Practice good self-care with meditation and relaxation techniques. You may also consider finding a support group for women in your situation.


4. Ask Your Partner for Help
It’s common for women to feel like they need to do everything themselves, but don’t hesitate to ask your partner for help around the house or with other children. This is especially true if you are on bed rest during a portion of your pregnancy. Don’t feel bad about leaning on him for help. This goes for supportive friends and family members, too.


5. Educate Yourself
While trusting your doctor is important, it’s also important to be aware of your health condition. Seek trusted sources, such as the National Library of Medicine, and read about high risk pregnancy as well as your specific issues. Don’t be afraid to ask your doctor questions or for explanations about why you’re receiving certain tests or treatments.


While high risk pregnancy can be a challenging time for you and your family, following these five steps can help alleviate some of the stress you’re feeling.



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