Living With Endometriosis: How to Help Yourself Cope

Endometriosis is one of the most painful and debilitating conditions to affect women’s sexual and reproductive wellness and wellbeing, and yet it is sadly very common. Attacks can leave women bedbound at their worst, and can severely affect their day to day lives.


If you find yourself the victim of the ongoing pain of endometriosis, there are things that you can do to help improve your condition. One of the simplest things you can do is to cut back on coffee. Limit your consumption of coffee to no more than two cups each day and avoid any other sources of caffeine in order to minimise your chances of suffering with the most advanced versions of the disease. A recent study showed that women who drank more coffee were more likely to have higher levels of oestrogen. Experts believe that high oestrogen may aggravate endometriosis.


Another method you can try is to block prostaglandin – you can do this in the form of an over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory. Common drugs of this type include ibuprofen and naproxen. These block prostaglandins, which are the body’s natural substances that increase inflammation and they are thought to be linked to the contractions and pain of endometriosis.


When pain remedies don’t work, the best thing you can do for your health is to look after your body. This includes getting enough sleep at night, eating a healthy, balanced and nutritious diet and taking the recommended daily doses of vitamins and minerals. Some studies also suggest taking thiamine or magnesium can be very beneficial. When the pain is bad, a heated pad, hot water bottle or hot bath may help to ease the pain and cramps. Some women find that relaxation techniques and acupuncture can be beneficial too. There are also TENS machines, which help to reduce the pain of endometriosis.

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