Top Tips for Improving Your Productivity at Work

With increasingly busy work schedules, it can be difficult to get everything in your schedule done in a single day. How productive you are at work plays an important role in how much you can get done off your to-do list, and its the thing all managers and executives are looking for. They need people who can get things done quickly and efficiently. There are many ways that you can increase your productivity, even if you’re not a naturally fast worker. Here are a few tips that can help you work through your workload more effectively.


Take regular breaks

While it is tempting to sit at your desk and be diligent all day, it’s actually counter-productive for your productivity. You’ll find yourself far less energised throughout the day if you don’t take a break from time to time – even five minutes away from your desk to grab some fresh air will clear your head. It helps to get the blood flowing and will give your body chance to stretch. Take a five minute break every couple of hours to get a glass of water, stretch and have a walk around the office before getting back to work. You’ll be surprised what a difference it makes.


Begin your morning by writing out a list of everything that needs to be done, then in the middle of the day reassess it and see what’s left, and what takes priority. It will help you to take stock of what is more important so that you can work on the right projects. Update your list as you go, keeping the more important tasks at the top so that you can constantly keep track of where your time needs to be used.

Set long-term goals

Too many employees worry about the short term, without seeing the bigger picture. Stop fretting about the phone call you just took or the email that you’ve just received, and look to projects which are more significant. Try to break it down into manageable chunks, such as two or three big-picture things that you need to accomplish and post them next to your computer as reminders of what needs to be done. It will keep them in your memory so that you can work on them alongside those more urgent tasks.

Work when no-one is around

If it’s possible, start your day a little earlier or stick around once everyone has left to go home, and you’ll notice that your productivity is significantly higher. This is because these are times when the office will be more empty, so you’re less likely to be distracted, leaving you time to get some work done. You don’t need to hang around the office until closing time, but taking a couple of nights or mornings a week to give that extra bit of your time will do wonders for your efficiency. It will also be noticed by management that you’re making the extra effort, something that will certainly be valued.


Stress is the biggest killer of productivity, as it causes us to panic and feel overwhelmed. If you find yourself getting worked up over that looming deadline or the increasing list of projects you have to work through, take a breather. Step away from your desk, find a quiet spot in the office, and do some deep breathing exercises for a couple of minutes. You’ll find that you return to your desk far calmer and more able to work through the tasks in a manageable fashion. De-stressing is important for your mental health, as well as your productivity.

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