Top Three Vitamins To Boost Brain Function

brain function top 3Almost all of us would like to improve our brain function. Imagine if you could increase your memory or your fact retention; that’s something that everyone would like to do. But the truth is that you can – all it takes is the right balance of vitamins in your diet. Proper nutrition is entirely essential for the brain to function in the right way. If there is a lack of nutrition in your diet, it not only affects your health system but also reduces the function of your brain. Here are three of the most important vitamins for the health of your brain.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is completely essential for the function of neurotransmitters in your brain, and it can also promote healthy brain development. A deficiency in vitamin B6 is known to lower your concentration levels and can even lead to short-term memory loss. Other symptoms include depression and mood swings. In order to get the recommended level of Vitamin B6 you should include beans, carrots, lentils and sunflower seeds in your diet every day.

Vitamin B12

A deficiency of vitamin B12 is linked to very serious problems such as nerve damage, memory loss, mood swings and mental slowness. Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that is needed for the formation of mylein, which is used by the body to form layers around the nerve fibres. They then act as insulation. This vitamin is found in meats like pork, beef, fish and lamb.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is great for your skin and hair. It’s found in a large number of dietary sources such as almonds, leafy green vegetables, carrots, lentils and sunflower seeds. That means you’ve got no excuse for having a deficiency in this vitamin. A deficiency is known to decrease your concentration levels.

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